SoCal Traffic and Metering Light
The Connected Corridors program is a collaborative effort to research, develop, and test a framework for corridor traffic operations in California. Building our way out of congestion is no longer an option; we must coordinate our way to improved performance. Connected Corridors is therefore investigating how the components of a transportation corridor (freeways, arterial city streets, buses, rail lines, freight, etc.) can work together efficiently so they can be managed as a cohesive, integrated system, to reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility along the corridor.
Connected Corridors will leverage new technologies, many developed in California, that have changed transportation: the internet, cellular and mobile devices, GPS technology, and social networking. Building on the experience from previous PATH projects including TOPL and Mobile Millennium, the Connected Corridors team will combine these new technologies with current corridor management strategies such as ramp metering, lane management, dynamic shoulder use, and arterial signal coordination, to help both traffic managers and travelers make optimal use of the transportation network.
To learn more about Connected Corridors, visit the website at connected-corridors.berkeley.edu