Home 9 Publications 9 Recent Publications 9 Fact Sheets Fact sheets Fact sheets are summarized versions of the California PATH’s team research projects that give a snapshot of the research findings. Project Name Principal Investigator Final Report Project End Date Cybersecurity of Our Transportation landscape Brian Peterson escholarship.com 2/2022 Multiple Corridor and ICM Management Anthony Patire escholarship.com 08/11/2022 FHWA Truck Platooning Xiao-Yun Lu ongoing Safety Implications of Automated Vehicle Providing External Communication to Pedestrians(PDF file) Peggy Wang PATH research ongoing Safe Operation of Automated Vehicles in Intersections Alex Kurzhanskiy Caltrans website 5/2018 Congestion-Responsive On-Ramp Metering Recommendations toward a Statewide Policy Alex Skabardonis escholarship.com(link is external) 01/2019 Arterial Traffic Estimation Using Field Detector and Signal Phasing Data Alex Skabardonis escholarship.com 03/2019 Early Opportunities to Apply Automation in California Managed Xiao-Yun Lu escholarship.com 08/2019 Improve Traffic Census and Highway Performance Monitoring Programs Alex Skabardonis escholarship.com 06/2020 Operations Planning Toolbox Alex Kurzhanskiy ucbtrans.org(link is external) 11/2020 Hybrid Data Implementation Anthony Patire escholarhsip.com 02/2021 Drivers’ Responses to Eco-driving Applications Effects on Fuel Consumption and Driving Safety Peggy Wang PATH research