Xiao-Yun Lu

Xiao-Yun Lu
Dr. Xiao-Yun Lu is an established Research Engineer with over 30 years of experience in transportation research. Dr. Lu first began working at California PATH in 1999 as a Senior Researcher after graduating with a PhD in Systems and Control from the University of Manchester. Since joining PATH, he has been the lead on a number of successful projects, including the Caltrans DRISI Projects, “Traffic Congestion Responsive Ramp Metering”, “Coordinated Ramp Metering Algorithm and Field Operational Test”, “Variable Speed Advisor Algorithm and Field Operational Test”, and FHWA-sponsored, “FHWA EAR Program Project: Truck CACC (Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control) Implementation and Field Testing”. He is presently the Principal Investigator of multiple PATH projects as well as a supervisor to numerous graduate students.
Currently, he is a PI and principal researcher on the FHWA project Truck Platooning Early Deployment Assessment Phase II. The PATH team is conducting a truck platooning early deployment assessment project for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) with a primary goal of better understanding the impacts of truck platooning on long-haul truck fleet drivers and operations. For the initial phase of this project, California PATH and its partners developed a concept and proposal for a truck platooning field operational test (FOT) on a corridor between California and Texas. The field of testing phase, which was awarded in July 2020, will conduct live truck platooning along the corridor with fleet partner Roly’s Trucking, based in Southern California. PATH and its team are building upon previous truck platooning efforts funded under the FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program.
Dr. Lu is leading another federal project to developing mixed traffic microsimulation tools to predict the impacts that CAV systems are likely to have on traffic, energy consumption, and emissions reduction. The transportation sector accounts for almost 50 percent of California’s total GHG emissions while light-duty vehicles make up 70 percent of the sector’s GHG emissions. This continuing research is an important part of Caltrans’ Strategic Management plan calling for increased environmental protections, safety, and health.
Dr. Lu is also working on a research project, “Streamlining Connected Automated Vehicle (CAV) Test Data Collection and Evaluation in the Hardware-in-the-Loop Environment”, to develop a test tool that integrates into experimental on-vehicle CAV systems. The tool will provide a user-friendly interface that executes the functions of individual CAVs and establishes communication channels for real-time control message interchange. The tool will also capture CAV operational data and store it in a database, creating a solid foundation of archive information that is vital when designing future CAVs and their applications.
Dr. Lu has a large assembly of research interests including systems modeling, simulation, vehicle and highway automation, automated vehicle dynamics modeling, eco-driving, traffic monitoring, sensor detection and fusion, goods movement, airport ground access planning, and active vehicle and intersection safety.
- Control design, simulation, implementation and field test of 3-truck platooning for mobility and energy efficiency improvement using DSRC V2V;
- Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) design and implementation on heavy-duty trucks and passenger cars for freeway driving with public traffic
- Freeway corridor traffic detection, modeling, simulation, optimal control algorithm development and field implementation with combined Variable Speed Limit/Advisory (VSL/VSA) and Coordinated Ramp Metering (CRM);
- Coordination of freeway corridor ramp metering and arterial corridor intersection traffic signal control;
Other links:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gZpGE1YAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiao_Yun_Lu
BSc., 1982, Mathematics, Sichuan University, China
MSc., 1985, Applied Mathematics, Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Ph. D., 1994, Systems and Control Engineering, University of Manchester, the United Kingdom
- Lecturer of Applied Mathematics and Director of Fundamental Math. Group, 05/85-10/89, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Sichuan University, China;
- Research Associate, Department of Engineering, Univ. of Leicester, U. K. 03/94 – 04/99
- Associate Research Engineer, California PATH, U. C. Berkeley, 04/99 – 06/08
- Research Engineer, California PATH, U. C. Berkeley, 07/08 –
- Affiliated Scientist of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 10/2017 –
Member of TRB Vehicle and Highway Automation Committee (AHB30), past member of TRB Highway Traffic Monitoring Committee (ABJ35), member of TRB Active Traffic Management Sub-committee, and previous MTC Advisory Council; Reviewer of Mathematical Review; Recipient of 2008 IET ITS Best Paper Awards; Associate Editors of several international journals.
- X. Y. Lu, S.E. Shladover, Integrated ACC and CACC Development for Heavy-Duty Truck Partial Automation, 2017 American Control Conference, (ACC-17), May 24-26, Seattle, WA, USA
- C. Nowakowski, D. Thompson, S. Shladover, A. Kailas, and X. Y. Lu, Operational concepts for truck Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) maneuvers, TRB Annual Meeting, Jan 10-14, 2016, Washington D. C.; Transportation Research Record, Journal of TRB, #2559-07 (DOI: 10.3141/2559-07)
- X. Y. Lu, S.E. Shladover, C. Nowakowski, Dali Wei, and R. Ferlis, Using Cooperative ACC to Form High-Performance Vehicle Streams, presented at Automated Vehicle Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 20-24, 2015
- Shladover, S., C. Nowakowski, X. Y. Lu, and R. Ferlis, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) definitions and operating concepts, presented at 94th TRB Annual Conference, Washington D. C., Jan. 2015; Transportation Research Record, Journal of TRB, #.2489, pp. 145–152
- X. Y. Lu and S. Shladover, Automated Truck Platoon Control and Field Test, Road Vehicle Automation, Editors: Gereon Meyer and Sven Beiker, Lecture Notes in Mobility, ISSN: 2196-5544, Springer, 2014
- Q. Gu, X. Y. Lu and T. Tang, Energy Saving for Automatic Train Control in Moving Block Signaling System, CD ROM IEEE ITS Conference, George Washington Univ. Washing D. C., Oct. 5-7, 2011
- H. J. Fang, X. Y. Lu, J. Lu and Z. Lin, System optimization in the control of heavy duty vehicle braking sub-systems, CD ROM of IEEE Conf. on Control and Decision, Shanghai, China, Dec. 16-18 2009.
- X. Y. Lu and J. K. Hedrick, Heavy-Duty Vehicle modeling and longitudinal Control, Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Dynamics, Vol. 43, No. 9, Sept. 2005, p653-669
- X. Y. Lu and J. K. Hedrick, 2004, Impact of combined longitudinal, lateral and vertical control on autonomous road vehicle design, Int. J. of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol. 2, no s1/2, p40-70
- X. Y. Lu and J. K. Hedrick, 2003, Longitudinal control design and experiment for Heavy-Duty Trucks, Proc. of 2003 American Control Conference, June 4-6, Denver, Colorado, USA
- X. Y. Lu and J. K. Hedrick, 2003, Longitudinal control algorithm for automated vehicle merging, Int. J. of Control, Vol. 76, No. 2, p193-202
- X. Y. Lu, H. S. Tan, S. E. Shladover, J. K. Hedrick, 2002, Implementation of longitudinal control algorithm for vehicle merging, Int. J. Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 41, No. 2, Feb. 2004, p85-107
- X. Y. Lu and K. Hedrick, 2004, Practical string stability for Longitudinal Control of Automated Vehicles, Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Dynamics Supplement, Vol. 41, p577-586
- X. Y. Lu, J. K. Hedrick and M. Drew, 2002, ACC/CACC – Control design, stability and robust performance, Proc. of American Control Conference – 2002, p4327-4332, May 8-10, Anchorage, Alaska
- X. Y. Lu and J. K. Hedrick, 2002, A panoramic view of fault management for longitudinal control of automated vehicle platooning, Proc. of the 2002 ASME Congress, Nov. 17-22, New Orleans
- X. Y. Lu, S. Shladover, and J. Hedrick, Longitudinal transition control for Heavy-Duty-Trucks: between manual and automatic, Proc. 15th ITS World Congress, November 16-20, 2008, New York, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2826.1125
- H. Liu, D. Kan, S. E. Shladover, X. Y. Lu, R. Ferlis, Impact of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) on Multilane Freeway Merge Capacity, submitted, Feb 2017
- Lu, X. Y., S. Shladover, I. Jawad, R. Jagannathan, and T. Phillips, A novel speed-measurement based variable speed limit/advisory algorithm for a freeway corridor with multiple bottlenecks, 94th TRB Annual Conference, Washington D. C., Jan. 2015; Transportation Research Record, #2489, p86–96; DOI: 10.3141/2489-10
- D. Y. Su, X. Y. Lu, R. Horowitz, Z. R. Wang, Coordinated Ramp Metering and Intersection Signal Control, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, Sept 2014, p179 – 191
- X. Y. Lu, T. Z. Qiu, R. Horowitz, A. Chow, and S. Shladover, METANET Model Improvement for Traffic Control, Int. J. of Transportation, Vol. 2, No. 2, August 2014, pp.65-88
- X. Y. Lu and S. Shladover, Review of Variable Speed Limits/Advisories – Theory, Algorithms and Practice, 93rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., Jan.12-16, 2014; Transportation Research Record, TRB, # 2423, 2014, pp. 15–23.
- X. Y. Lu, P. Varaiya, R. Horowitz, D. Su and S. E. Shladover, A novel freeway traffic control with variable speed limit and coordinated ramp metering, Transportation Research Record #2229, TRB, 2011, pp55-65
- S. Shladover, D. Su, and X. Y. Lu, Impacts of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control on freeway traffic flow, Transportation Research Record #2324, pp63-70, 2012
- Z. J. Qiu, and X. Y. Lu, and Chow, A. H. F., and Steven E. Shladover, Freeway Traffic Density Estimation with Loop Detector and Probe Vehicle Data, 89th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D. C. Jan.10-14, 2010; Transportation Research Record #2178, p21-29
- X. Y. Lu, J. Wang, S. Eben Li, and Y. Zheng, Multiple-vehicle longitudinal collision mitigation by coordinated brake control, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. Sept. 2014, Article ID 192175, 13 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/192175.
- X. Y. Lu, S. Shladover, and W. B. Zhang, Quantitative testing of a frontal collision warning system for transit buses, IET ITS, Vol. 1, 2007, p215-223 (won Best Paper Awards)
- X. Y. Lu and A. Skabardonis, Freeway Traffic Shockwave Analysis: Exploring the NGSIM Trajectory Data, TRB 86th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan 21-25, 2007
- K. Sivakumaran, X. Y. Lu, and M. Hanson, The Use of Passenger Transit Infrastructure for Goods Movement: A Bay Area Economic Feasibility Study, 89th TRB Annual Meeting, Jan.10-14, 2010; Transportation Research Record, No. 2162, TRB, p.44-52
Additional information, including more of Xiao-Yun’s publications can be found in the links below: